Asia-Europe Transport Ecology Forum (AETEF) Working Group

Published the 05/12/2023 #workinggroup
This Working Group seeks to create a framework for concrete actions addressing sustainable development challenges in Eurasian transport networks. It aims to ensure the cohesion of nature networks, functionality of ecological corridors, and landscape connectivity. The goal includes establishing the Asia-Europe Transport Ecology Forum as a permanent platform for organisations and experts from Europe and Asia to exchange knowledge, experiences, and best practices.

The aim of the AETEF Working Group is two-fold:

  • To establish AETEF towards creating a permanent event in which organisations and experts from Europe and Asia can exchange knowledge, experiences, and best practices.
  • To formulate a working platform for implementing concrete actions in response to the challenges in the sustainable development of transport networks in Eurasia. This includes working against the fragmentation of landscapes and ecosystems.

The work plan

Towards achieving its aims, the Working Group will focus in two timelines:

  • In the short-term perspective of one year, it will support the planning and the organisation of the 2nd AETEF in 2024 to establish it as a permanent cross-continental online event with:
  • Contributing on highlighting of urgent and important topics and issues that need to be addressed.
  • Providing technical support as members of the organizing and scientific committees.
  • Inviting scientist and experts specialized on critical topics. 
  • Promoting the event in national, continental, and international level.
  • In a more long-time perspective will create a platform on responding to concrete challenges and problems of transport ecology between Europe and Asia with:
  • Identifying concrete challenges to be addressed.
  • Emerging concrete cases which need consultancy and support.
  • Organising local events and meeting when and where are necessary involving and engage stakeholders with critical and fundamental role on development to linear infrastructure in sustainable way.
  • Apply for international cooperative research projects from both China and Europe.
  • Searching for potential funders to support concrete activities.


The deliverables of the working group for the first year will include:

  1. In the first year and until the end of 2024:
  • A general roadmap for the AETEF as a platform of cross-continental cooperation between Asia and Europe. 
  • A plan for the 2nd AETEF with a timeline from the initial phase of preparation until the organization of the online event at the last months of 2024. 
  • The proceedings of the 2nd AETEF. 
  • A plan for the long-time evolution of the Forum and the start for looking for actions and projects responding to emerging challenges.
  • Initiate one special issue in famous journal entitled “Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment”, which will focus on case study or best practice related to transportation ecology in Asia and Europe.
  1. After the first year:
  • Established AETEF in biannual basis, or in the timeline which will be decided by the working group.
  • Activities or projects working on critical challenges on transport ecology topics between Europe and Asia.

Members of the working group can be:

  • IENE members
  • Organisations* and experts from the co-organizers of the 1st AETEF and others after a relevant promotion in international level.
  • Members of other international organization and networks  

Structure of the working group

The working group will be coordinated by