IENE is governed by its General Assembly. The Governance Board is elected by the General Assembly and operates the network on a daily basis. The Scientific and Expert Committee oversees the network’s activities related to technical issues. An Executive Secretariat hosted by the French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity in Paris supports the work of the Governance Board and Scientific and Expert Committee and the implementation of IENE activities.
General Assembly
The General Assembly of members is the highest authority of IENE. It elects the members of the Governance Board and approves the IENE’s strategy and policies. It approves the IENE annual activity and financial reports and the IENE annual budget, and fixes the bi-annual membership contribution on the proposal of the Governance Board.
Governance Board
The Governance Board is the decision-making body of IENE in the period between the General Assembly meetings.
It leads the network, develops the overall strategy for IENE activities and projects and is responsible for fundraising for IENE core activities. Members of the Governance Board include members from the founding partners as well as members elected by the General Assembly for two-year terms.
Elke HahnWork at the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Department of Roads – Planning and Environment
Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
Chair of IENE
Field of expertise: Environmental Impact Assessment, mitigation, wildlife and roads
Johan RydlovEcologist, specialist constructing sustainable infrastructure at the Swedish Transport Administration
Swedish Transport Administration
Vice chair of IENE
Field of expertise: Botany, Bryology, and infrastructure habitats
Adam HoflandNational Coordinator of National Defragmentation Program at Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
Field of expertise: wildlife crossings, mitigation measures, animal vehicle collisions, maintenance, landscape planning, landscape architecture, communication.
Anders SjolundSenior expert in the National Biodiversity Coordination at the Swedish Transport Adminsitration.
Field of expertise: Ecology, nature conservation, environmental mitigation at infrastructure planning, building and maintenance
Chair of Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe (IENE) from 2009 to 2022.
Toine MorelSenior consultant at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
Field of expertise: Biodiversity, vegetation, management, grassland management, population ecology, birds, the influence of nitrogen and fertilizers upon vegetation structure and composition, effects of noise, habitat loss and fragmentation, fauna facilities in relation to infrastructure
Yannick Autret Transport and environment research expert at the French Ministry for the Ecological and Solidarity Transition, Secretary of ITTECOP Research Programme (Infrastructures, Ecosystems and Landscape)
French Ministry for the Ecological and Solidarity Transition
Field of expertise: environmental impacts of transport (vehicles and infrastructure) – noise, pollution, landscape and biodiversity
Carme RosellPhD and senior consultant at Minuartia wildlife consultancy
Responsible of the Wildlife & Traffic Handbook Working group
Field of expertise: wildlife and transport, animal vehicle collisions, wildlife crossings
Lazaros GeorgiadisBiologist and Environmental consultant
Field of expertise: large carnivores, mitigation measures, environmental policy, nature conservation, education
Marita BöttcherScientific counselor at the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Department: Mitigation Impact Regulation, transport and planning
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
Field of expertise: fragmentation (also indicators), planning (SEA; EIA; MIR), other impacts: artificial lightning, noise, small species
Tony SangwineRetire from Highways England, ex Senior Principal Environmental Adviser
Field of expertise: horticulture, environmental assessment and design for transport
Jean-François LesigneEnvironmental attaché at RTE, in charge of the Environmental Management System and management advisor, coordinator of the Linear Infrastructure and Biodiversity Club (CILB)
Scientific and Expert Committee
The Scientific and Expert Committee gathers about twenty individuals recognized for their scientific or technical expertise on a wide range of topics related to the IENE activity.
It is appointed by the IENE Governance Board upon suggestions from the General Assembly. It aims to be gender, geographically and disciplinary balanced.
The Scientific and Expert Committee aims at securing a high standard of scientific and practical expertise in questions concerning ecology and transportation infrastructure within IENE.
Andreas SeilerPhD, senior researcher, ecologist at SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)
SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)
Long experience with wildlife and traffic related research.
Areas of expertise: roads; railways; airports; ecology; energy; economy
Edgar Van Der GriftSenior research scientist at Wageningen University and Research Centre in The Netherlands.
Field of expertise: road ecology, animal ecology, landscape ecology.
Areas of interest: roads; railways; watercourse; energy; ecology.
Marguerite TrocméHead of the Environment Department at the Federal Roads Office (Astra)
FEDRO Federal road office Switzerland,
Head of environmental technology
Biologist and environmental engineer has been working since 1987 on transport infrastructure and biodiversity issues,
Areas of interests: roads, railways, energy with an emphasis on fauna passages and green area management
Rodney Van Der ReenConsultant researcher at University of Melbourne
Specialist in quantifying and mitigating the negative ecological impacts of development
Field of expertise: Transport ecology, research.
Yun WangResearcher professor at China Academy of Transportation Sciences Research
China Academy of Transportation Sciences
Field of expertise: road ecology, road engineering, landscape and ecological interactions of roads and wildlife, landscape fragmentation and transport ecology
Areas of interest: roads; railways; social sciences and humanities; ecology; learn from Europe, promote road ecology advancing in Asia
Rory CanavanBiodiversity & Natural Capital Leader at Arup
Field of expertise: Road Ecology, Landscape Ecology, Biological Conservation, Natural Capital
Areas of interest: Roads; Railways; Airports; Energy; Ecology; Natural Capital
Wendy CollinsonProgramme Manager: Endangered Wildlife Trust – Wildlife and Transport Programme at Endangered Wildlife Trust
Field of expertise: Roads, Rail, Wildlife-Mortality, Connectivity, Camera Traps, Road/rail kill mitigation
Areas of expertise: Roads; Railways; Airports; Energy; Ecology
Ivo DostalResearcher (Non-Academic) – Transport Research Centre, CDV
Transport Research Centre, CDV
Field of expertise: Transport Geography, Landscape Ecology, TI’s impacts on Nature
Areas of expertise: Roads; Railways; Airports; Landscape Ecology.
Clara GriloResearcher
Center for environmental and marine studies
Field of expertise: impacts of roads on wildlife
Areas of interest: Roads.
Eric GuinardProject manager ecologist
Field of expertise: Ecology in interaction with infrastructure management.
Areas of Interest: Roads; Railways; Watercourse; Airports; Energy; Ecology.
Darryl JonesProfessor Emeritus at Griffith University, Director Maarifa Foundation
Field of expertise: Wildlife management, behavioural ecology, urban ecology, road ecology
Areas of Interest: Roads; Ecology; Human-nature Interactions
Manisha BhardwajPostdoctoral Fellow at the University of Freiburg, Germany
Field of expertise: Road ecology, railway ecology, animal behaviour, sensory pollution
Areas of interest: Roads; Railways; Ecology.
Manuela PanzacchiResearcher at NINA
Field of expertise: green infrastructures, corridors, wildlife
Areas of interest: roads; energy; ecology; railways; I have been member of IENE before.
Caryl Buton Expert consultant
Field of expertise: fragmentation of natural habitats by infrastructures, AVC – animal-vehicle collision mitigation (highways and railroads), emerging “fence ecology”, right-of-way management, practical technical management issues
Areas of interest: Roads; Railways; Ecology; fence ecology;
Denis FrançoisResearch Director
Field of expertise: Environmental engineering. Biodiversity. Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Land planning. Transport infrastructures. Civil engineering.
Areas of interest: Roads; Railways; Watercourse; Ecology; Energy; Social sciences and humanities.
Antonio MiraResearcher at the Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources – Pole of Évora
Organiser of the IENE 2020 International Conference “LIFE LINES”
Field of expertise: Impact of linear infrastructures in the mediterranean region (Alentejo)
Areas of interest: Roads; Railways; Watercourse; Energy; Ecology.
Federico Morelli Associate Professor in Czech University of Life Sciences
Czech University of Life Sciences
Field of expertise: Urban ecology, road ecology, agro-ecology, animal behavior, conservation biology, ecological indicators.
Areas of interest: Ecology, biogeography, biodiversity conservation, road networks effects on biodiversity.
Cristian-Remus Papp Wildlife and Landscape National Manager WWF Romania
Field of expertise: Ecology, wildlife conservation, nature conservation, landscape planning, protected area management, project and programme development and implementation
Areas of expertise: Roads; Railways; Social sciences and humanities; Ecology; Transdisciplinarity, stakeholder engagement, policies/strategies
Paola Reason Director at RSK Biocensus
Field of expertise: Bat specialist
Areas of expertise: Roads; Railways; Ecology; Energy; Watercourse.
Sara Maria Santos Post-Doc Researcher in University of Evora
Field of expertise: ecology of mammals, mostly small mammals
Areas of expertise: Roads;Ecology; Contribute to knowledge dissemination and information sharing.
Executive Secretariat
The Executive Secretariat sits at the French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity in Paris, France.
The Executive Secretariat supports the Governance Board and Scientific and Expert Committee in their missions, contributes to the implementation of the IENE strategy and activities and manages the administration of IENE.
It works also as a facilitator for IENE events, including support to IENE international conferences, workshops and training sessions.
IENE Executive Secretariat
Fondation pour la recherche sur la biodiversité
195 Rue Saint-Jacques, 75005 Paris, FRANCE
Please get in touch by email at:
Or write directly to one member of the staff:
Charlotte NavarroIENE Executive Secretariat Officer
Julie de BouvilleIENE Communications Officer