ANET – a new network for ecology and transportation in Australasia

Published the 20/11/2013

ANET – the Australasian Network for Ecology and Transportation – is a professional network dedicated to the research, design and implementation of environmentally-sensitive linear infrastructure across Australasia. ANET acts as a hub, providing links between government, industry, scientists and community groups to ensure all have access to current evidence and best practice.

ANET is focussed on the Australasian region (Australia, New Zealand and Asia), but is open to anyone from around the globe. It is a members-based organisation, run by members for its members.

Anders Sjölund, chair of IENE steering committee, when receiving news about this recently initiated network said: “Great news!  I´m convinced  we can and will have a fruitful cooperation among us, IENE, ICOET and ANET.”

Upcoming conference

The first major event of the network is the inaugural ANET conference, to be held in Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia, in July 20-23 2014.

More information

For more information about the network, visit their website, follow them on Facebook or on Twitter as ‘@ecoltransnet’.