Discussion group for the upcoming conference

Published the 02/05/2016

There is now a Facebook group available for all of you that plan on going to the IENE 2016 conference in Lyon: Facebook group of IENE 2016

The discussion group aims to facilitate communication between participants of the conference IENE 2016 – before, during and after the conference. There you may discuss anything you need about issues related to the conference, such as asking for travel company to Lyon, tips about hotels or the city of Lyon etc. but also organize informal meetings during the conference week, exchange photos from field trips etc.

Please note that the conference team will not follow the group all the time. If you have questions regarding the conference, please visit the website (http://iene2016.iene.info) or contact the conference team directly at: conference2016@iene.info. And of course you are allowed to join the group even if you can’t come to the conference.

By the way, the conference team are also active on Twitter, so follow them there to get news about the conference.